Professional data cabling services in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Ace Electrical and IT services LLC is a minority owned small business that is registered with the Better Business Bureau and the Hispanic chamber of commerce. We do commercial, educational and government projects in and around the Albuquerque metro area.


Cat6 Plenum

We only use the best pure copper fire retardant networking cables. We certify the data cabling work and ensure there are not problems.


We setup Ruckus and Fortigate firewalls for a Unified-Threat Management (UTM) experience that keeps your networks safe .


Network security and web filtering is a requirement that we ensure so that employees and students are protected from inappropriate and malicious content.


Ace electrical & IT services LLC is a new company in Albuquerque, NM. Our team has over 25 years of experience in the commercial sector. We are registered with the better business bureau and is partners with the Hispanic chamber of commerce. We lately have been doing projects for schools around the New Mexico area where we install data cabling and setup CIPA rated networks.

At Ace Electric, we take pride that our reputation is as solid as concrete. Our knowledge and experience give us a clear advantage over the competition. We are willing to negotiate for favorable prices and terms.


Reach Us


6904 Zinnia pl Albuquerque, NM 87121


